What is the difference between a pressure balanced mixer shower and a thermostatic mixer shower?

Mixer showers are supplied with hot and cold water and these supplies can vary in temperature and pressure.

  • Pressure balanced mixer showers

These mixer showers recognise and compensate for fluctuations in the incoming water pressure in order to maintain a showering temperature within +/- 1c.

However, pressure-balanced mixer showers DO NOT make allowances for fluctuations in the incoming water temperature.  Under such circumstances, the water delivered through the shower will be prone to temperature variation.

  • Thermostatic mixer showers

These shower mixers recognise and compensate for fluctuations in both the incoming water pressure AND the incoming water temperature.  Therefore, if someone runs a tap or flushes a toilet, the shower will adjust to keep the shower temperature within +/- 1c.  This can be important in maintaining the temperature, particularly if there are young children or elderly people in the household.

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