Franke UK undermount sink cut out templates

Template Download - Important Information
We do always recommend to consult a registered fitter when fitting a sink and to use the sink itself as the template rather than a download.
Due to the variables involved with fitting undermount bowls to solid surface worktops, we would advise that certain information concerning the installation is obtained prior to cutting the worktop. For example the hanging of the sink, the use of accessories which may affect the size of the cut out or the installation style of the sink such as being flush with the worktop as this would need a different size cut out.

Whilst every effort has been made to supply the templates in a suitable format for each sink, Taps UK or Franke cannot be held responsible for incorrect cut outs owing to particular requirements by clients.

If you agree with the terms and conditions of use, proceed to download the cut out template required from the Franke website link below:
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